Social Media: A Fail Proof Way to Kill Time
How do you use social media? If you want a fail proof way to kill time, then social media is the answer.
How do you use social media? If you want a fail proof way to kill time, then social media is the answer.
Recently I was setting up WordPress on my new MacBook, and I was having trouble with WordPress permissions on macOS. Here is what I did to fix the permissions.
How do people step out of their comfort zone? Job interviews, meeting new people and dating, flights and skydiving, large purchases and investments
Challenge Yourself by Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone Read More »
There are many words of advice I would give to my teenage self. I believe there are several of us who wish we could kick ourselves in the rear for things we may or may not have done as teenagers.
Have you ever wanted to start a blog or website? In this article, I will walk you through the steps necessary for creating just that.
The day eleven bloganuary prompt is: What does it mean to live boldly? In my opinion, to live boldly means that the way you live…
There are 3 routines you should start today if you aren’t already doing them. These routines are beneficial in many ways.
Who came up with this daily life schedule? Which person decided that we need to split our days into thirds? We sleep eight hours (if we’re lucky)…
If you’re ever on the west coast, you should drop by Morro Bay, CA. This location is best known for its volcanic plug, hardened magma within a vent on an active volcano.
I was a month late and a dollar short when I posted my article A Month Without Social Media.I have been researching trends for new ideas…