A Little Writing for Growth

Have you ever been stuck on writing for your blog? You are not alone. Writing is probably the biggest challenge I face when it comes to blogging. Featured images come in a close second.

When it comes to blogging, I overthink everything. My thoughts take control and I often ask myself, “What information can I share that provides value for other people that is not already on search engines?”. And then I remember that it doesn’t matter if the information could already exist. How many articles are there on making the same recipes on completely different blogs? Many!

In recent months, instead of focusing on writing articles, I have been playing around with the AIOSEO Headline Analyzer. I created a cheat sheet with words that ranked in each of the categories: common, uncommon, emotion, and power words. And while this doesn’t seem as productive as writing articles, it helps with the SEO aspect of blogging. Also, I can assume there are more words to discover and add to the sheet.

Tonight, I decided to take a break from focusing on what to write next, and just start writing. Coincidentally, this post happened.

Additionally, I would like to share other methods I have used to come up with topics to write about. Someone had mentioned using the app Quora to find questions to answer. Rather than answer them on Quora though, you write a blog post instead. Logically, it makes sense. You get a sense of what answers people are seeking.

Alternatively, another article I came across said to think about a problem you had, and what you did to solve it. I can say that this method worked for one of my posts: How to Give WordPress Permissions on MacOS. When I decided to explicitly use my MacBook for blogging, I had an issue with my local WordPress test environment. MacOS didn’t allow WordPress to install themes, updates, etc. So when I discovered the solution, I wrote about it.

In conclusion, blogging will always have challenges. You may be good at one aspect, and not so good at another. In my case, good at the technical stuff but not so good at writing. Just remember, if blogging is what you want to do, don’t give up. Keep learning. Keep moving forward.

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